Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hi Everyone! And welcome to our new members!
This past week’s readings on ethnography were really very interesting to me. Although understanding some (very) basic elements to ethnography in anthropological terms, I had never quite thought about it in relation to any of my own research, partly because I assumed that it was something left for those anthropological folks to do!

I realise now that even if you are only doing a survey, or interview, etc, that there is most likely to be ethnographical elements to your research that need to be considered. To make my point, my research interest revolves around resettled coastal/ island communities in Newfoundland, formalized collecting institutions (such as museums and archives), and representation of these now extinct communities in their holdings. A component of the research would involve surveying resettled individuals because they are now remote and living no longer as a community unit (some remained in Newfoundland while others have gone to different parts of Canada). So, I am not dealing in a research environment that is bound to 1 geographical place, however the notion of being accepted by these communities now in diaspora is of great importance to me. Without their trust, I will not be able to gain a holistic picture of how they remember or want to remember their lost homes, and whether contemporary collecting practices in formal institutions is reflective of their culture/ traditions.... My approach to even structuring (both in format and tone) the survey, and follow-up interviews, is changing and my approach to accessing these individuals will have to be thought out very differently.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Catherine, and find too that ethnography, in some way, seems a necessary part of whatever research strategy I choose. What is also true is that any study I think about seems to be composed of multiple research methods - a smattering of ethnography here, some contextual inquiry, and some exit interviews. To use any one method in its pure unadulterated form appears too limited - but maybe that's a sign that I'm reaching to high is what I expect my study to show.
    By the way, I'd post a starter comment for week 7 (I have one drafted) but I don't know how to start a thread. Maybe I'll just try...
